Geek - Wikipedia
"Someone who is interested in a subject (usually intellectual or complex) for its own sake"
Who am I? Well, I'm just a geek in Australia. Not a super geek in any one area, more a Jack of all trades, master of none (but oftentimes better than master of one). I'll start putting books up of all the stuff I'm dabbling in but there's old computers (OK, my C64), basic woodwork, tinkering with servers (OK, this webserver is the main showpiece there right now), drone racing (crashing, whatever), wargaming / miniature painting, boardgaming..... I'm sure there's more. Too many hobbies to focus on properly really. Which leads to....
Why this page? I dunno. I wanted to tinker with Bookstack and see if I could do anything useful with it. So it's partly personal journal, but putting some of it public serves a couple of purposes.
- It holds me a little accountable to doing productive stuff in downtime (Don't get me wrong, relaxing and doing nothing sometimes is just as important as being productive, but I feel like I was doing too much of nothing useful)
- It makes me reflect after the weekend on what I've done that I can add to here, and makes me realise that maybe I've done more than I initially thought I had.
- Maybe it provides motivation for others that are only mediocre at things. It's really, really easy when looking for stuff on the internet to see people who are outstanding at things. There's amazing drone racers. Miniature painters. Hacking gurus. Woodworkers. Seeing so many people being amazing at stuff can be demotivating. So maybe me putting up mediocre stuff that I've had fun doing can make others realise - IT'S OK TO NOT BE PERFECT AT EVERYTHING. Just go do it and have fun.
There was an older iteration of this page that got ignored after a few updates. It was running on WordPress, which really wasn't what I was looking for. Hopefully Bookstack will be a more suitable platform, and I'll update more regularly and for longer? Who knows. I make no promises! I'm only mediocre, remember? But get out there. Do stuff. Have fun, even if you're not perfect at it.